"Make and Be Disciples of Jesus Christ"

GRACENOW Community Church desires to help you become a KNOWING, GROWING, SERVING, and GOing follower of Jesus Christ!

Our process for doing this is as follows:


Romans 10:9/1 Corinthians 15:3-4

Knowing Jesus Christ means being born again by trusting in the substitutional death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. 

In this first step, you are connecting with Christ and His Body through corporate worship, prayer, communion and fellowship at weekend worship services.

Colossians 2:6,7/Titus 2:11,14/2 Peter 1:5,11

Growing in Jesus Christ means moving from infancy in Christ to a mature believer, who then is capable of feeding themselves and qualified to lead others.

Step two, you are learning God's word and to BE Christ-like by attending weekly Bible Study, a GROW Group, or Growth Track, and professing your faith publicly by being water baptized.

Galatians 5:13/Mark 10:45/1 Peter 4:10

Serving Jesus Christ means you are actively serving others by being the hands, feet and heart of Christ to others. 

In step three, you are serving Jesus Christ in the local church by serving others on and through a Serve Team or in the GROW Group ecosystem.

Mark 16:15,16/2 Timothy 4:1,5

Going means sharing Jesus Christ in your daily life with your friends, family and community. It's bringing others to faith and church life.

Then there are the Goers - those called to church planting.

In this final step, you are equipped to make Jesus Christ known to everyone, every where, every day. You are actively leading family, friends and the lost to Christ.

And when opportunity arises, participate in missions, church planting, and local outreaches.